City Sound Advice & Guides

Aluminium Frames Or Wooden Frames?

Aluminium Frames Or Wooden Frames?

(Source: City Sound Glazing)Aluminium or wooden secondary glazing? Which is the better fit for your property? It might be that you don't care what material is used in your window frames. Both types of material can keep panes of glass in place, and they can...

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The Peace of Mind of Secondary Glazing

The Peace of Mind of Secondary Glazing

Pexels - CC0 LicenceYour home should be your favourite place on earth. But that’ll only happen if you have peace of mind while you’re there. If that’s not the case, then fear not because there are plenty of things you can do to push your sense of peace and...

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Common Myths About Secondary Glazing Debunked

Common Myths About Secondary Glazing Debunked

Pexels - CC0 LicenceYou may have heard of secondary glazing, but have you heard the right things? For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, there are plenty of secondary glazing myths going around, and they’re having negative consequences for homeowners who...

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